Monday, November 19, 2012


Today Hudson was 5lbs 7oz and 17.5 inches long!
Ben and I came back to Lafayette today and shortly after noon got a call that Hudson had some changes, just to make us aware. 
((Tuesday they started weaning him to formula and Friday was all formula)  Friday he was really gassy and stinky...boy!  He got fussy and started throwing up a bit here and there.  Friday night gas so bad he popped his bag off his skin...twice!  Which meant wardrobe changes...which he hates!  Saturday more gas and just not happy with way more than usual output in his bag.  More pukes.Saturday night another blowout!)
Today output wasn't as bad but gas was worse and more pukes and belly xray ...showed lots of air in his intestines so they stopped food.  He is on clear liquids through an iv and has a tube down his throat taking stuff off his stomach.  Had another xray at 2p and was worse but 8p xray was improved!  Another xray in morning and day shift will make adjustments to feed nutrients by feeding tube via breast milk or another formula or tpn through iv (stuff he was on before he started eating breast milk) was consulted and they put a catheter in his stomach to relieve air and check for a blockage.  Needless to say it scared us enough to go talk face to face with the doctor especially since I got one story at noon and Ben got a slightly different one later in the day ...
Thanks for your continuous prayers!  We appreciate them!
Lots of love!

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